Thursday, February 14, 2013

Puppy Valentine!

It's a double-blogger day!! Woot woot!

My nephew came over yesterday, and, since I couldn't let him get by with just helping me with my Valentine's Day Sun Catchers as there wasn't much he could do with it, I had to do another little something for him. This project was so easy - he really did the whole thing himself, needing very little supervision (until the cutting...always supervise the cutting...). There was no blog for this dog...get it? hehe. But, there is a print out that you can get by going here.

I actually think I remember making something like this in kindergarten, he's a bit older than that, but he still had fun with it.

He colored all of the hearts of the dog and then cut it out and used double sided tape to assemble it. I gave him the option of glue as well, but he chose tape which was not quite as messy and still worked, so I'd recommend going that route.

He decided to angle the ears of his pup differently than it was in the picture, which I loved. I love how unique and creative his little mind is. When I was young I would've been frustrated to not have it be just like the picture. Heck, I'm still like that. But, I'm happy that he's not because I admire that trait in him.

His goal was to get the ears to look a little like Bolt - do you see it? One ear up and the other floppy/down.
His completed work of art was given to Grandma as a Valentine complete with a note on the back of it. Like I said before, this was such a simple little project, you could set your kids (or grandkids or nieces, nephews, neighbors, what-have-you) in front of this with some crayons and you may just have a couple of minutes for some you and your love time. Granted, it won't be very long, but any time is better than no time, right??

Or, if you are feeling really crafty and like you'd rather be more involved (which is also fantastic), you could get out your glue and some glitter or pipe cleaners or scraps of paper and really have a hay day. Let your child's imagination take flight!

This is simple, easy and doesn't require a lot of adult supervision. I'd recommend this, for sure!

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