Monday, July 8, 2013

DIY Batman Mask

My nephew loves superheros. He loves to dress up like them and play superhero whenever he can. If he can make something superhero-y, he's ecstatic. We've already made an Iron Man mask, so we decided to try something a little different this time - a Batman Mask

Photo from Pinterest
This was very simple to make, although since it was mainly just cutting, my nephew wasn't able to help much with it. No matter; he had a great time watching me create this mask and wearing it around afterward. I didn't have any black elastic, but I did have white - so we improvised. I'm fairly certain for a little project like this, white wasn't going to make or break the mask. I cut it out free-hand, although now I have my silhouette cameo machine, I suppose I could probably cut it out with that, and I may try that out next time.

Either way, it was quick, easy and way adorable. Unfortunately, my husband pointed out to me once he saw the pictures that the mask was on upside down. *Sheepish grin* Oopsy. Sorry to all you superhero geeks out there. HA! Who am I kidding...I'm fairly certain not many superhero geeks are reading this. However, if you are - my apologies - make sure the ears are on TOP; they are not a notch for a nose. hehe.

Upside down or not, my nephew is still adorable and you get the gist of what we made. Very simple, very quick and easy and very little cost. This is a fun little project for playing dress up with your boys...or yourself if you'd rather.

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