Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Elmer's Glue, Salt and Water-Color = Fun For Kids!

First, a rant: I made a plate with my nephew, Mickey, recently and all of those photos seemed to have disappeared. Grrr...anyway, that post will have to wait for another day, unfortunately.

In the meantime, I will post about this project that I did with my niece and my nephew.

I am watching them this week during the day and thought it would be fun to do a little something with them each day. This little something required very little set up and was quiet so while my young son and nephew took naps, this activity was entertaining and quiet. To see how to do this, check out this blog.

I decided not to use plain ol' boring white paper and since I have loads of scrapbook paper, I pulled out some of that and the kids went to town with the glue.

While they applied the glue, I prepared the water with food coloring - using an ice cube tray so they could each have a bunch of colors.

The colors spread really nicely on the salted glue, but weren't near as bright as they were in jugglingwithkid's blog. My kiddos still enjoyed this immensely. Watching the color spread was the best. Gabe kept saying "this is just so cool!!" I think they enjoyed themselves. Obviously, the color spread better when the salted glue was more than just a dot but rather a continuos line. They really didn't seem to mind either way though - they still enjoyed it.

Afterward, we let their masterpieces dry. Once dry, the salt pretty much falls right off leaving not much of the art, but the kids didn't seem to mind. And, this still was at least a half hour's worth of entertainment that was quite enjoyable. I'd recommend this little project...it was fun, easy and very little hassle to set up or clean up.

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